

QFace requires one or more IDL files as input file and a custom generator to produce output files. The IDL files are named QFace interface documents.


To use QFace you need to write your own generator. A generator is a small rules document which reads the QFace document and writes code using template files.

# rules-qface.yaml
        - {{interface}}.h: interface.h
        - {{interface}}.h: interface.cpp
        - Makefile: Makefile

You then call the script using the qface executable.

qface --rules rules-qface.yaml --target output echo.qface

Code Generation Principle

The code generation is driven by a rules document which applies the domain model and writes files using the Python Jinja template language.


Refer to and particularly the template designer documentation at

The initial folder structure should have a rules file and in the templates folder the required templates.


The rules document provides the rules for code-generation.

# qface-rules.yml
        - project_report.csv: report.tpl

The qface executable reads the input qface files and converts them into a domain model. The domain model is then passed into the rules document. Inside the rules document you specify scopes and matches. If a system is specified as the match the system is passed into the given template documents.

{# templates/report.tpl #}
{% for module in system.modules %}
    {%- for interface in module.interfaces -%}
    INTERFACE, {{module}}.{{interface}}
    {% endfor -%}
    {%- for struct in module.structs -%}
    STRUCT , {{module}}.{{struct}}
    {% endfor -%}
    {%- for enum in module.enums -%}
    ENUM   , {{module}}.{{enum}}
    {% endfor -%}
{% endfor %}

The template iterates over the domain objects and generates text which is written into the output file in the given target folder.

You call the yaml document by calling the qface executable and provide the rules document as also the output document. The domain model is created based on the given input files.

qface --rules rules-qface.yaml --target output echo.qface

The output would then look like this.


More …

To know more about the different options just ask the help of qface.

qface --help

Usage: qface [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]...

  --rules PATH
  --target DIRECTORY
  --reload / --no-reload      Auto reload script on changes
  --scaffold / --no-scaffold  Add extrac scaffolding code
  --watch DIRECTORY
  --feature TEXT
  --run TEXT                  run script after generation
  --force / --no-force        forces overwriting of files
  --help                      Show this message and exit.